Our Programmes


EBCDA’s job is to add value to the activity undertaken by groups in local areas.  We work with other key organisations to ensure the continued development of a community sector in East Belfast that is recognised, valued and effective.  We seek to support successful community development, encourage reflective practice and promote cooperation and locally based solutions.

It is not our job to work with the man and women in the street, it is our role to support the community organisations in East Belfast so that they are better equipped to work with the man and women in the street.  Our role is supporting groups in a strategic way, we don’t wish to interfere with the day to day operations of any organisation, but assist them in a more comprehensive delivery of their day to day operations.

EBCDA is continually operating in an environment than can be characterised by change, and uncertainty.  While such change brings concerns and anxiety, over the past number of years this change and uncertainty has not been unusual within the sector.  Though there are number of things which are different, these are;

·      The continuing impact of the Covid years.

·      Difficulty in recruiting staff and volunteers.

·      Year on year funding.

·      The pressure to deliver even more with less.

·      The challenge of being a delivery agent in partnership with Government Departments and Statutory Agencies, while remaining independent.

·      Showing the added value that EBCDA brings to the sector.

·      Opportunities to work in partnership with many Government Departments and Statutory Agencies.

“Community development enables people to work collectively to bring about positive social change.”

From Community Development National Occupational Standards